Hello again. As you can see I took another hiatus. Truth is I still read my favorite blogs daily but I could never find the strength to actually sit down and write a post of my own.
I don't know how people blog everyday.
I don't know how people blog everyday.
My last post was all about the new puppy Todd and I were about to pick up. Well, we got her and we've had her for about three months already. How did three months go by so quickly?
Well let's now waste any more time.
Introducing Ms. Riley Sky Baldree....
Todd and I absolutely adore her and we hope she kind of likes us too.
She loves sticks...
She loves tennis balls...
She loves posing for pictures...
She loves playing in the park....
She loved digging holes....
But most of all... she loves her new life as a Baldree
And we love her too!