Thursday, August 19, 2010

I'm Proud to be an American.

To kick off the Thoughts Thursday section I was thinking about going with a personal classic. This is a thought that re-circles my mind and I am sure some of you have thought the same thing... What is it you ask? Well, it's quite a simple thought, but there are so many different answers and I think that is why I find it so fascinating. Okay, okay, I will get to the point. The thought that I often have is...

Why am I an American? How did I get so lucky? Why did God give me this gracious gift?
Okay, I know, that's three thoughts not one, but all of them can be grouped into the same thought. Have you ever thought about this before?

There is really no correct answer, but it does make you wonder, right?

Bottom line, I am not sure how or why I was giving the gift of being an American, but I am truly grateful! We live in the greatest country in the world, have freedoms unlike any other, and can live the life we dream of... but do you ever look up and say "Thank you, God." "Thank you for letting me live in this amazing country." ??? If you never have, maybe is the time that you do.

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