Monday, August 30, 2010

Mix-it-up Monday 2

Ah, Monday. I'm torn between the feelings of the Monday Blues and let's-hurry-and-get-this-week-over-with. Isn't that sad. What has my life become? I know, it has literally become one giant countdown until A. When do I get to see Todd next? B. When do I get to move home to Atlanta and C. When can I leave the office? See, I told you so, it's really sad! (Insert the classic line) "Be thankful for what you DO have." Yes, that is true. I am thankful and yes, my life isn't all that bad. I did have a pretty good week even though I wasn't with Todd, home in Atlanta, or in the office for that matter.

Saturday, I went to an all-day photography class called Digital in a Day at the Chicago Photography Academy. My instructor, William Benson, was very intelligent when it came to photography and had a very witty sense of humor than made the 8 hours class all that more interesting. For all of you SLR camera lovers out there, this is the setting he told us to keep our Nikon, Canon, or Sony cameras on:
  1. The exposure mode should be A or Av
  2. Please use Autofocus
  3. White balance should be Auto or A or AWB
  4. ISO should be 400
  5. All shots should be at 1/60th second or faster
On Sunday, my friend Jen and I went to see Carrie Underwood at the Ravinia Festival which is an outdoor amphitheater about 30 minutes North of Chicago by train. We had a great time picnicking before the concert, singing and dancing to Carrie's awesome songs, and none-the-less just enjoying the summer evening. Here are some shots that my super-duper ZOOM lense was able to capture of Carrie doin' her thang!

It was a great weekend but I am SO looking forward to the neck weekend - LABOR DAY WEEKEND! Todd is coming to Chicago to see me and my best friend, Ashley, and her boyfriend, Whit, are coming to see me as well! I'm a lucky girl!!!

Much love. xoxo

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